Selected Publications (Int. Refereed)
Bellette, P.A., Meehan, P.A., Daniel, W.J.T., “Contact
induced wear filtering and its influence on corrugation growth ”, (International Journal of) Wear, Elsevier,
Available online 16 February 2010. (abstract,article)
Meehan, P.A., Bellette, P.A., Batten,
R.D., Daniel W.J.T. and Horwood, R.J., “A case study of wear-type rail
corrugation prediction and control using speed variation ”,
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Institute of Acoustics, Academic
Press/Elsevier, 325, 85–105, 2009.(abstract,article)
Vuong, T. and Meehan, P.A., “Wear transition in a wear
coefficient model”, (International Journal of) Wear, Elsevier,
266(9-10), 898-906, 2009. (abstract,article)
McInnes C and Meehan, P.A.., “Optimising slew torque
on a mining dragline via a four degree of freedom dynamic model”,
Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Inst. Of Engineers
Australia, 6(2), 2008.(abstract,article)
Meehan, P.A. and Daniel W.J.T., “Effect of Wheel-Pass
frequency on corrugation growth”, (International Journal
of) Wear, Elsevier, 265(9-10), 1202-11, 2008.(abstract,article)
Bellette P.A., Meehan P.A. and Daniel W.J.T., “Effects
of variable pass speed on wear-type corrugation growth”,
Journal of Sound and Vibration, Institute of Acoustics, Academic
Press/Elsevier, 314(3-5), 616-634, 2008.(abstract,article)
Daniel, W. J. T., Horwood, R. J., Meehan, P. A. and Wheatley,
N., “Analysis of Rail Corrugation in Cornering”,
(International Journal of) Wear, Elsevier, 265(9-10), 1183-92,
Daniel W. J.T. Cheng, C.-Y. and Meehan, P.A., “Modelling
the Effects of Friction Modifiers on Rail Corrugation in Cornering”,
Vehicle System Dynamics, IAVSD, 46(9), 845-866, 2008.(abstract,article)
McInnes C and Meehan, P.A.., “Equivalence of four-point
and three-point rainflow cycle counting algorithms”, International
Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 30, pp. 547-559, 2008.(abstract,article)
Meehan, P.A. and Austin, K. “Investigation of Chaotic
Instabilities in a Dragline Bucket Swing”, International
Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, Elsevier, Vol. 41, Issue 2,
pp. 304-312, 2006. (abstract,article)
Kuang, J. L., Meehan, P. A. and Leung A.Y.T. “On the
chaotic instability of a nonsliding liquid-filled top with a
small spheroidal base”, Nonlinear Dynamics, Kluwer, Vol.
46, No.s 1-2, pp. 113-147, 2006.(abstract,article)
- Kuang, J. L., Meehan, P. A. and Leung A.Y.T. “On the chaotic
rotation of a liquid-filled gyrostat via the Melnikov–Holmes–Marsden
integral ”, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics,
Elsevier, Vol. 41, Issue 4, pp. 475-490, 2006. (abstract,article)
- Meehan, P.A., and Asokanthan, S.F., Analysis of Chaotic Instabilities
in a Rotating Body with Internal Energy Dissipation”, International
Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2006 (abstract,article)
- Kuang, J. L. and Meehan, P. A. “ Suppressing chaos via
Lyapunov-Krasovskii’s method”, Chaos, Solitons &
Fractals, Oxford : Pergamon Press/Elsevier, Vol. 27, No. 5, 2006
- Meehan, P.A., Daniel W.J.T. and Campey, T., “Prediction
of Growth of Wear-type Rail Corrugation”, Wear (An International
Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication
and Wear), Elsevier, Vol. 258, Issue 7, pp. 1001-1013, 2005 (abstract,article).
- Meehan, P.A., Daniel W.J.T., “Wear-Type Rail Corrugation
Prediction: Passage Time Delay Effects”, Acoustics 2004,
Transportation Noise and Vibration, Proceedings of the Annual
Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, Gold Coast, Australia,
pp. 11-17, 2004.
- Kuang, J., Meehan, P.A., Leung, A. Y. T. and Tan, S.,“Nonlinear
dynamics of a satellite with deployable solar panel arrays,” International
Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, Vol. 39, Issue 7, pp. 1161-1179,
2004. (abstract,article)
- Starkoff, P.E. and Meehan, P.A., “Modelling and Suppression
of Attitude Instabilities for a Spacecraft in Earth Orbit,” Proceedings
of the 10th Australian International Aerospace Congress, Brisbane,
Australia, 29 July - 1 August, AIAC 2003-03 (article)
- Meehan, P.A., “Vibration Instability in Rolling Mills: Modelling
and Experimental Results,” Journal of Vibration and Acoustics,
Vol. 124, No. 2, pp. 221-228, 2002. (abstract,article)
- Meehan, P.A. and Asokanthan, S.F., “Control of Chaotic Motion
in a Dual-Spin Spacecraft with Nutational Damping,” Journal of
Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2002, pp.209-214.
- Meehan, P.A. and Asokanthan, S.F., “Control of Chaotic Instability
in a Dual-Spin Spacecraft with Dissipation using Energy Methods,”
Multibody System Dynamics, Vol.7, No. 2, 2002, pp. 171-188. (abstract,article)
- Meehan, P.A. and Asokanthan, S.F., “Control of chaotic instabilities
in a spinning spacecraft with dissipation using Lyapunov's method,”
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol.13, No. 9, 2002, pp. 1857-1869.
- Asokanthan, S.F. and Meehan, P.A., “Nonlinear Vibration of
a Torsional System Driven by a Hooke’s Joint,” Journal of
Sound and Vibration.. Vol. 233, No. 2, 2000, pp. 297-310.(abstract,article)
- Meehan, P.A. and Asokanthan, S.F., “Control of Chaotic Motion
in a Spinning Spacecraft with Circumferential Nutation Damper,”
Nonlinear Dynamics. Vol. 17, No. 3, 1998, pp. 269-284.(abstract,article)
- Meehan, P.A. and Asokanthan, S.F., “Chaotic Motion in a Spinning
Spacecraft with Circumferential Nutation Damper,” Nonlinear Dynamics,
Vol. 12, No. 1, 1997, pp.69-87.(abstract,article)
- Meehan, P.A. and Asokanthan, S.F., “Nonlinear Instabilities
in a Dual-Spin Spacecraft with an Axial Nutational Damper,” Advances
in the Astronautical Sciences Vol. 93, 1996, pp.905-923.
- Meehan, P.A. and Asokanthan, S.F., “Chaotic Motion in a Rotating
Body with Internal Energy Dissipation,” Fields Institute Communications,
Dynamics and Stochastic Mechanics, Vol. 9, 1996, pp. 175-202.
- Meehan, P.A., “Nonlinear Instabilities in Rotating Multibody
Systems”, PhD Thesis, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, University
of Queensland, 1997 (abstract
& thesis)
- Boulton, G, Edwards, W.J., Meehan, P.A. and Wallace, G.A.,“Vibration
Damping Apparatus,” PCT/AU00/00445,
WO 01/00346, 4/1/01, Industrial Automation Services Pty Ltd.
Reports & Conferences (selected)
Boulton, G, Domanti, S, Meehan, P, and Wallace, G, “Modelling and Suppression
of Rolling Mill Chatter,” AISE Annual Convention, Pittsburgh, PA ,2000.
Meehan, P., “Functional Specification - Dragline Dutymeter,”
CMTE Internal Report, RM14 – 00/1
Meehan, P., “Rolling Mill Chatter at LTV Indiana Harbor” Industrial Automation
Services Pty Ltd Internal OT Report 10/00.
Meehan, P.A., “Tangential Compliance of a Cylinder under Distributed Traction,”
IAS Report 5/00 (Confidential), Industrial Automation Services Pty Ltd,
NSW, Australia.
Meehan, P.A., “Vibration Instability in Rolling Mills, Part I: Modelling
and Experimental Results,Part II: Passive Control” IAS Report 2/00 (Confidential),
Industrial Automation Services Pty Ltd, NSW, Australia.
Meehan, P.A., “Functional Specification - Passive Vibration Controller,”
IAS Report 9/99 (Confidential), Industrial Automation Services Pty Ltd,
NSW, Australia.
Meehan, P.A., “Measurements of Chatter at BHP Port Kembla Tin Mill,” IAS
Report 14/98 (Confidential), Industrial Automation Services Pty Ltd, NSW,
Meehan, P.A., “Measurements of Foil Mill Chatter at Kaal No 2 Foil Mill,”
IAS Report 13/98 (Confidential), Industrial Automation Services Pty Ltd,
NSW, Australia.
Meehan, P.A. and S. Domanti, “Torsional and Fifth Octave Chatter
in 4 High Rolling Mills,” IAS Report 10/98 (Confidential), Industrial Automation
Services Pty Ltd, NSW, Australia.
Meehan, P.A., “Mill Monitor; Vibration Detection and Analysis System,”
IAS Report 2/98 (Confidential), Industrial Automation Services Pty Ltd,
NSW, Australia.
Meehan, P.A., “Review of Chatter Phenomena in Rolling Mills,” IAS Report
11/97 (Confidential), Industrial Automation Services Pty Ltd, NSW, Australia.
Meehan, P.A., “Models to Demonstrate Instabilities in Nonlinear Mechanical
Systems”, BE (Hons I) Thesis, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, University
of Queensland, 1992.