The University of Queensland, Australia
Paul's Admin Counter since 1 June 2000

 Date(s) Description of Role

05-present: Coordinator for M2S Seminars (Mechanical, Materials and Space) - weekly staff and postgraduate seminars.

05-present: UQ CEED Coordinator (Co-operative Education for Enterprise Development) for Mechanical Engineering.

  • The CEED Program provides industry based R&D training for students(4th UG and Masters Thesis students). This training is based on projects conducted on-site in industry arising from a client's need to undertake R&D.

05-present: Academic Advisor final year - BE Mechanical

01-present: Course coordination of Mech3200, Mech2210, Metr3100.

02-present: UQ –Rail CRC In-Kind Coordinator

04-present: Area Supervisor 45-G05,G06,G13a

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