The University of Queensland, Australia
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Control Systems Resources

State Space Control Quiz - Multiple Choice Quiz with grading

Control Design Tuts for Matlab - Tuts, examples and animations covering root locus, frequency response, state space and digital control techniques from  University of Michigan

Control Interactive Simulations - Interactive (Java Applets) examples of control problems in industry from the University of Newcastle

Control Engineering Virtual Library - You know what this is 
Motor Control - An impressive resource on motion automation 

Design Resources

AVEL - Australian Virtual Engineering Library 
Engineering Fundamentals - Components, materials, processes 
Machine Design - Good web site with lots of design information 
Maxisteel- Australian steel supplier 
SKF - Bearing design info and on-line catalogues 
SouthWest - Wire Ropes 
Timken - Bearing design info and on-line catalogues


ABB Automation - AC and DC  Motors 
Bruel & Kjaer - Sound and Vibration 
DC Motors Inc - 0.125 - 75 hp; 600-6500 RPM 
Teco-Westinghouse - Large AC and DC motors 
IOTech - We mostly use this stuff for our data acquisition 
Ling Dynamic Systems - We use their shakers 
Maxon Motors - Precision DC motors 
US Motors - Medium- to Heavy Duty AC and DC Motors 
Western Electric - AC motors

Mining Machinery

Harnischfeger - Shovels, Draglines, Drills, etc.  I liked the photo history of rigging a 9020 dragline 
Rammer - Pneumatic/Hydraulic hammers 
Sandvik/Tamrock - Rock cutting tools (Sandvik) and machinery (Tamrock) can be reashed from this site.

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